Verboticism: Hosetage

'My boyfriend disappeared in the laundry!'

DEFINITION: n., 1. The process by which pairs of socks are washed, dried, and then separated perhaps never to be reunited again. 2. The place where lost socks disappear to. v. To lose your mate in the wash.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ee tern al dar nay shun

Sentence: Turns out old Father McGregor had been right all along. He had been preaching to the sock kids from the time they were little booties until they made it to the support hose years. "Toe the Line", "Mend Your Ways" and "Don't be Heels" or "You'll face Eternaldarnation" were the lessons he tried to instill on the close-knit community. "Save Your Soles" and "Don't be guilty of Stocking", "You garter heed yarn words of wisdom", "Stay together, but don't give each other any Static or you'll be going to Heel in a handbasket" and "You'll end up in Purlgatory for your Sins" were other parts of his Knitany. Each laundry day, he would lead his little flock in prayer, "Argyll Father, who art in Hosiery Heaven, deliver us from weevils and lead us not into separation. Thy wool be done. Amen" Those who suspendered their beliefs were seldom reunited on the other side. They became the Lost Soles.

Etymology: Eternal ( continuing forever or indefinitely) & Darn (to mend, especially socks, by sewing closed holes) & Damnation (the state of being condemned to eternal punishment in Hell) & play on Eternal Damnation (what good Christians fear is their punishment for sins committed, refusal into Heaven)


This is hysterical!! I like it. - mweinmann, 2008-11-06: 11:19:00

metrohumanx Wowie Zowie! You leave me FLABBERGASTED every time! - metrohumanx, 2008-11-06: 11:52:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: pe(ə)rnōmôr

Sentence: Joyce has a great collection of fun and funky socks. She keeps them in sorted baskets, new, in need of repair and pairnomore for ones that have one of the partners MIA. She believes that there may be a portal to another dimension somewhere in her laundry room, perhaps in the dryer.

Etymology: Pair (a set of two things used together or regarded as a unit) no more (nothing further) play on paramour (a lover, esp. the illicit partner of a married person)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: darn blak hole

Sentence: "Why oh why", cried Sylvia,"does that darnblackhole in the dryer only take the sock that you didn't put your big toenail through"?

Etymology: darn (mend socks) & Black Hole (cosmos)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Sok - uh - biss

Sentence: Gabriella was concerned that Javier may have disappeared into the depths of the sockabyss when he went looking for his missing argyles.

Etymology: Socks + abyss (bottomless pit)


Nice word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-10: 16:47:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /dis-sok-soh-see-ay-shun/

Sentence: It's a little known fact that, like radioactive elements, each new pair of socks has a distinct half-life, equal to the number of times they may be laundered before spontaneously decaying into a single sock, by a process known as disocksociation.

Etymology: disassociation - the state of being unconnected (Latin, dis- prefix meaning "apart or asunder" & associātus "joined to") + sock (from Latin, soccus "slipper")


clever! - bananabender, 2008-01-10: 00:18:00


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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /diˈtɜ˞dʒəˌtɔɹi/ /dee-TER-juh-TOR-ee/ or /diˈtɜ˞gəˌtɔɹi/ /dee-TER-guh-TOR-ee/ depending on dialect

Sentence: Some believe that if a lost sock is deemed clean in detergatory then it may be reincarnated as a glove.

Etymology: From detergent + Purgatory


Great word! - Mustang, 2008-01-09: 06:21:00

as long as it isn't forced to stay in limb-o - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-09: 10:34:00

Very creative! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-10: 16:53:00

Reminds me of the old Laugh-In expression ... "sock it to me" ... which sockatory did for me! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-11: 13:57:00

oops ... how did I get this comment under the wrong word ... sorry! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-11: 13:58:00


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Created by: bananabender

Pronunciation: Rhymes with rock-a-bye-baby

Sentence: Each time one of his rare cartoon character socks went awol from his bulging sock drawer, (as socks are wont to do), my aging wannabe rock singer dad would lament its disappearance by singing his Sockabyebaby ballad for days on end.

Etymology: sock + rock-a-bye (lullaby) + baby (sweetheart as in a pop song)


very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-09: 10:33:00

Luv the sentence! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-10: 16:48:00

chuckling even more ... watch out for child and family protective services who might go after those sockabyebabies! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-11: 14:01:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: hose/taj

Sentence: We have reports of several hosetage situations taking place in a new subdivision where LG washers have been installed. We now believe LG stands for last gasp and several socks have lost their mates to the dreaded spin cycle gang.

Etymology: hose + hostage


metrohumanx Did the Bader-Meinhoff gang use dryers for their balaclavas, of just hang 'em on the line? - metrohumanx, 2008-11-06: 12:11:00

It's time to round them up and wring the truth out of will all come out in the wash! - Nosila, 2008-11-06: 21:56:00


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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: black-holz

Sentence: Marnie knew if she could just find the secret portal into the blackholse, she would wander into a sock-filled utopia where errant socks and other miscellaneous garments were lined up in an orderly fashion just waiting to be reunited with their mates or owners. So obsessed was she that her husband came home to find the washer and dryer disassembled and the beginnings of a hole dug into the laundry room floor. From that moment on, Marnie and her husband never spoke of the blackholse again, and Marnie started wearing those little disposable foot covers they have in shoe stores for trying on shoes without socks.

Etymology: Mash-up of black hole and hose


metrohumanx Very thorough- a strong scientific foundation, with overtones of Hitchcock and Poe, yet with a happy ending. Remarkable. - metrohumanx, 2008-11-06: 12:00:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: dis-SOK-uh-peyt

Sentence: Oh, sweet mystery of life, where do dahlgrens go when they dissockipate? Perhaps there should be a "duhrection" on socks warning that one will almost certainly "dissockipate!"

Etymology: Blend of SOCK & DISSIPATE: to scatter completely; to disperse & to disappear; used especially, of the dispersion of things that can never again be collected or restored. DAHLGRENS: an expensive brand of socks.


nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-09: 10:45:00


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