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'My boyfriend disappeared in the laundry!'

DEFINITION: n., 1. The process by which pairs of socks are washed, dried, and then separated perhaps never to be reunited again. 2. The place where lost socks disappear to. v. To lose your mate in the wash.

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Created by: indelible1




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Created by: denise

Pronunciation: sok-NUL-i-tee

Sentence: The constant and frequent socknullity every laundry day forced the young couple to wear flip flops to work.

Etymology: blend of sock + nullity (null, nonexistence)

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: lawn-dra-sun-der

Sentence: He was her perfect match, her solemate; but the pair became laundrasunder by forces beyond their control. Although she tried desperately to keep their union from fraying it was obvious that their happiness was wearing thin. She tried to put a good spin cycle on it; however, one day the whole thing went down the drain and he disappeared with a cheap pair of nylons. "Darn it"! she cried, "I guess it all comes out in the wash."

Etymology: laundry: place to wash clothes + asunder: part with; separate in time or space

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: soc/dish/un

Sentence: When one of my socks loses its sole, it mysteriously makes its way, on its own, to socdition, never to be found in my washer, or dryer again.

Etymology: SOCDITION - noun - from Sock (foot covering) + PERDITION (hell)


metrohumanx Hahaha. Darkly disturbing- with overtones of conspiracy. - metrohumanx, 2008-11-06: 11:56:00

zxvasdf at first i thought it was something like secession. sockession. it s a frightening thought, that there is such a thing as a sock hell. - zxvasdf, 2008-11-06: 12:15:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: so per ay shun

Sentence: Jenny's socks felt like laundry day was family court. They went through a soaparation process and at the end of the cycle, they were not together as a couple. Most seemed to weather the wash and rinse okay, but few survived as a pair through The Drying Game.

Etymology: Soap (cleansing agent) & Separation (the act of dividing or disconnecting)

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Created by: gemmgemms

Pronunciation: foo-ta-gar-mehnt-land

Sentence: "Ya" said the pair of tighty whities,"I've been to footgarmentland, once I got lost in there it was up to my wearer to find me in that cramped space." "Hey, fancy that. We're still here!"

Etymology: foot+garment:piece of clothing+land

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: sok/oh/pathy

Sentence: The sockchopathy of lost socks has long been debated but remains a sockratic mystery.

Etymology: psychopathy + sock + path

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sok greg ay shun

Sentence: The process of sockgregation on laundry day leads to many casualties. More hosiery pairs are torn apart in the dryer than married couples in Reno, darn it!

Etymology: Sock (hosiery;woolly covering for feet and ankles) & Segregation (the act of segregating or sequestering)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sok-yoom

Sentence: Every time Jill does laundry at least one sock is mysteriously absorbed into the socuum behind the dryer.

Etymology: sock(a short stocking usually reaching to the calf or just above the ankle)+ vacuum (a space entirely devoid of matter)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: hose/taj

Sentence: We have reports of several hosetage situations taking place in a new subdivision where LG washers have been installed. We now believe LG stands for last gasp and several socks have lost their mates to the dreaded spin cycle gang.

Etymology: hose + hostage


metrohumanx Did the Bader-Meinhoff gang use dryers for their balaclavas, of just hang 'em on the line? - metrohumanx, 2008-11-06: 12:11:00

It's time to round them up and wring the truth out of will all come out in the wash! - Nosila, 2008-11-06: 21:56:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-01-09: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by sipsoccer. Thank you sipsoccer. ~ James

silveryaspen - 2008-01-11: 14:48:00
Your humorous definition brought us all a lot of laughs and a lot of fun words were created. Good one, sipsoccer.

silveryaspen - 2008-01-11: 14:54:00
James ... your cartoon for this daffynition has me roaring with laughter every time I look at it. Can't help wondering if you have a daughter with a boyfriend that inspired it ??? !!! It's a good thing there's no such thing as a cannibal dryer! Yet!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-04-06: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by sipsoccer. Thank you sipsoccer. ~ James

GossaMcqueen - 2013-01-16: 19:14:00
please, i made a mistake and posted wrongly - how do i remove my Word?