Verboticism: Hoptimist

'Apparently, Santa has been into the festive spirits all day long.'

DEFINITION: v., To prepare for holiday events where you must chat with irritating co-workers or nagging relatives, by consuming just enough alcohol to make you feel "relaxed". n., A person who arrives at a party pre-inebriated.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: HOP - tuh - mist

Sentence: After a couple of "steadiers" Bob, a hoptimist with a 'corona' of confidence, marched smilingly into his workplace's Christmas party, greeting heartily fellow-workers who normally 'drove him to drink".

Etymology: HOPTIMIST: Blend of hop(s), used in beer brewing. Consider slang "On the hops", and Optimist: One who feels that things will work out well. STEADIER: (sl) a beer to steady the nerves. CORONA: 1.A crown 2. Mexican beer. DRIVE TO DRINK: Make s.o so irritate

Points: 1052