Verboticism: Persevictor

'It's time to find your inner cockroach'

DEFINITION: n. A person who succeeds not because of their talents, but because they just won't quit. v. To firmly believe in your talents and never give up on your goals, despite the huge obstacles, snide comments, and repeated setbacks.

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: pûr'sə-vĭk'tər

Sentence: Although Harriet looked to be the sure winner in the early stages of the marathon, Tortence, the plodder, would not give up and became the persevictor.

Etymology: persevere, to persist in anything undertaken [Middle English perseveren, from Old French perseverer, from Latin persevērāre, from persevērus, very serious]; victor, One who defeats an adversary; the winner in a fight, battle, contest, or struggle[Middle English, from Old French victeur, from Latin victor, from victus, past participle of vincere, to conquer].

Points: 1100

Comments: Persevictor

OZZIEBOB - 2008-05-02: 05:31:00
Nice word.