Verboticism: Disdress

'Omigod, she forgot to get her roots done!'

DEFINITION: v. To tease, ridicule or twitter about someone who has made a fashion mistake. n. A materialistic twit who feels it's their duty to inform others when fashion standards have not been met.

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Created by: wordmeister

Pronunciation: dis-dress

Sentence: Mercedes would disdress every women she saw on the street, ruthlessly tearing apart their shabby wardrobes. Her boyfriend, Chad, took it even further. In fact, he mentally disrobed every woman he saw.

Etymology: dis+ dress

Points: 1448

Comments: Disdress

Jabberwocky - 2008-06-06: 16:08:00
simple and funny

wordmeister - 2008-06-06: 17:17:00
Thanks Jabberwocky!

Nosila - 2008-06-06: 20:14:00
Good one, wm!

OZZIEBOB - 2008-06-08: 19:10:00
Nice word.