Verboticism: Repulskin

'Come on, you ate the banana. Now eat the peel. '

DEFINITION: n., The fear of eating the skins of fruits, vegetables, or small animals. v., To worry about saving one's skin while chewing on a rind, peel, or pelt.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ri/puhl/skin

Sentence: Jenny has suffered from the dreaded phobia of repulskin since early childhood. She can't eat apples, grapes, nectarines, or especially fuzzy peaches, or any other fruits unless all the skin is completely peeled off.

Etymology: REPULSKIN - noun - from REPULSION (distaste, repugnance, or aversion by the thought, or presence of something) + SKIN (the external covering of an animal body, fruit , or vegetable)

Points: 626