Verboticism: Switchbacktrack

'Honey, I was lost at the mall...'

DEFINITION: v., To find a lost item immediately after purchasing a replacement. n., An item which is lost and cannot not be found unless a replacement is purchased.

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: Switch-back-track

Sentence: Harvey was reaching under the loveseat to retrieve his wayward M&Ms when he felt something thin and plastic, which turned out to be the iPod Nano he lost during the Steelers game last week and couldn't live without, and then had to rush down to Best Buy and switchbacktrack a new one with the leftover balance on his gift card his folks sent last Christmas, while Nancy glanced over at his bag of M&Ms and asked with mild indifference, "are you eating those, or what?"

Etymology: Switch: change or swap + Switchback: an unexpected change of direction + Backtrack: to cover territory already traveled.

Points: 740

Comments: Switchbacktrack

Nosila - 2008-09-25: 20:17:00