Verboticism: Perfiction

'Wow, that kid sure can eat...'

DEFINITION: n., A "talent" for which an individual takes a great deal of personal pride, even though it is just a common, mundane skill that almost everyone can do. v., To take pride in a special talent which in fact is not special at all.

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: per fik shun

Sentence: Persimmon tartly touted her computer skills even though she couldn't tell you the difference between an icon and an image, or hardware from software. Quite often, her coworkers burst into smogrins (smiles smothering grins and chuckles) over her computer perfictions!

Etymology: An interplay to combine perfection with fiction! What one does when they try to pretend to perfection, but do not succeed in such fiction.

Points: 851

Comments: Perfiction

TJayzz - 2008-11-19: 07:49:00
Great word

metrohumanx - 2008-11-19: 20:24:00
Perfiction IS perfection!