Verboticism: Gaspthlete

'We played our A-Game today! Luckily there were a lot of "a" words. '

DEFINITION: v., To speak in an inspirational but perhaps incomprehensible manner by stringing together a series of grunts and clichés. n., An inarticulate TV or radio, post-game interview, typically given by a panting, toothless, sweating, verbally-challenged, and hugely overpaid, athletic superstar.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: gasp thleet

Sentence: The local hockey team in Castor, Alberta plays hard and wins hard. Tough agricultural types who could only get past grade nine with an athletic scholarship to the Wayne Gretzky University School for Wayward Boys, the team loved the after-game interviews. With misshing teeth, shweaty hair, black eyesh and unusthual grasthp of the Englisth language, they were truly gaspthletes on radio and tv. Yes, the Castor Raiders neutered the Dogs, gelded the Colts, emasculated the Emus, caponated the Bantams,sterilized the Steers, fixed the Foxes and demasculinated the Devils. With "ugh their ugh eunuch way of thspeaking, ugh, after the ugh, games, ugh, on-air, ugh and to the ugh media", the Castor Raiders were a force to be reckoned with. The secret of their success is that none of them had ever been cut from the team!

Etymology: Gasp (breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted;a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open) & Athlete (a person trained to compete in sports)

Points: 662

Comments: Gaspthlete

silveryaspen - 2008-11-27: 01:31:00
Luv your sentences so much I have trouble waiting to get to read the next one. This one is Super(bowl) Xcellent!

Nosila - 2008-11-27: 19:58:00
Cheers, silveryaspen, back at you! Love writing the stories each night...challenges the old noggin!