Verboticism: Bauballer

'Isn't it a bit early to be wearing Christmas decorations?'

DEFINITION: n., A person so enamored with the holidays that they don't just deck their halls and home, but they also decorate their car, their cubicle, their pets, and themselves. v., To obsessively decorate according to seasonal holidays.

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: Bah ball er

Sentence: Miss L Toe, the lady snowman loved Christmas. She had a ball (well actually, she had three very nice ones) buying lots of Christmas balls. She used them for buttons instead of lumps of coal, and even for her eyes and nose. Miss L Toe put them on the trees, hung them from the street lights, car antennas, any where to please. She pinned them on the jackets of all who came to see her, too. She was the greatest bauballer of all

Etymology: BAUBLE, BALL, ALL, ER Bauble - synonym for decoration. Ball - round Christmas ornaments, also means to have fun as in have a ball (and any sexual connotations I leave to your imaginations). All - everthing and everyone as in where she put them. Er - a suffix meaning somebody who performs a particular action.

Points: 692