Verboticism: Festoned

'Apparently, Santa has been into the festive spirits all day long.'

DEFINITION: v., To prepare for holiday events where you must chat with irritating co-workers or nagging relatives, by consuming just enough alcohol to make you feel "relaxed". n., A person who arrives at a party pre-inebriated.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: fest-STOND

Sentence: Bryant arrived at the office party and began his celebrations ahead of the crowd and being in great spirit for the Christmas holiday his office mates found him delightfully festoned on the 'punch' when they began arriving.

Etymology: Blend of 'Fest' (festival, holiday) and 'Stoned' (intoxicated or dazed from drugs; high)

Points: 668

Comments: Festoned

metrohumanx - 2008-12-19: 00:43:00
Hahah....Good one, Mus!