Verboticism: Factholes

'But why did you say

DEFINITION: v. To win approval by carefully omitting any and all facts which may put the "correct" decision in jeopardy. n. A form of persuasion, or perhaps deceit, which is based on selective omissions.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: fakthōlz

Sentence: If you could see Tim's argument it would look like a slice of Swiss cheese. He is skilled in the use of flash and bluster to camouflage his factholes. When people find how they have been duped, they will sometimes refer to Tim as a certain variety of hole.

Etymology: fact (a thing that is indisputably the case) + holes (hollow places in a solid body or surface)

Points: 893

Comments: Factholes

metrohumanx - 2009-02-23: 01:14:00
Into the void!