Verboticism: Hydraulicreep

'The ice caps are melting!'

DEFINITION: v. To increase the world's liquid water supply (and dramatically raise the level of our oceans) by accidentally melting the polar ice caps. n. The rising seas and associated flooding due to melting ice caps.

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: high-DRALL-ick-REAP

Sentence: “I can’t stand Venice” said Florence- as she revved up her gross SUV- she resisted downsizing- as the waters kept rising- her error was failing to sea! Denial and tears came in torrents- we were singing a CO2 dirge- our years of excess- caused a wet sloppy mess- now all we can do is submerge. For years some had tried to persuade us- That the problem was oil and coal- But a global guffaw- Caused the glaciers to thaw- Now HYDRAULICREEP’s out of control.

Etymology: HYDRAULIC+CREEP=HYDRAULICREEP..........HYDRAULIC: operated, moved, or effected by means of water, of or relating to water or other liquid in motion; Latin hydraulicus, from Greek hydraulikos, from hydraulis hydraulic organ, from hydr- + aulos reed instrument [1661].....CREEP: to enter or advance gradually so as to be almost unnoticed, to change shape permanently from prolonged stress or exposure to high temperatures, to go very slowly; Middle English crepen, from Old English crēopan; akin to Old Norse krjūpa to creep [before 12th century].

Points: 1244

Comments: Hydraulicreep

metrohumanx - 2009-03-16: 01:47:00
Florence couldn't fathom why her beach house vanished or why the shore was miles inland, she disliked the ocean, but at least she could surfeit.

silveryaspen - 2009-03-16: 17:28:00
Good sentence! Good word!

splendiction - 2009-03-16: 20:17:00
Impressive word and sentence! So true: her home built too close to the shoreline - the denial or ignorance of globalwarming's effects

abrakadeborah - 2009-03-16: 22:56:00
Good word there metrohumanx,You're a brilliant writer too :)

metrohumanx - 2009-03-17: 03:00:00
My humble thanks.

kateinkorea - 2009-03-17: 19:28:00
Really good!