Verboticism: Kleptocrappycratecreation

'The seat broke, so I made a new one...'

DEFINITION: n. The creative, yet blatantly illegal use of plastic milk crates, and the latent fear of prosecution associated with this alleged crime. v. To create and build home furnishings using stolen milk crates.

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: klep-tow-crap-pee-crate-cree-ay-shun

Sentence: Leon was always going behind the local stores and sneaking away with anything he thought would be useful to help him craft into or repair broken household items. However, his wife Alison wasn't at all impressed with Leon's "Kleptocrappycratecreation" of the broken plastic crap-pee crate toilet seat Leon created, because it was not only pinched her behind and her feet couldn't touch the floor!

Etymology: Klepto;(Slang) A person who has a compulsion to steal; a kleptomaniac. Crappy;Inferior; worthless. Also a play on the word crappy as "crap-pee"

Points: 1781

Comments: Kleptocrappycratecreation

Jabberwocky - 2009-04-03: 12:34:00