Verboticism: Lactocartanoia

'The seat broke, so I made a new one...'

DEFINITION: n. The creative, yet blatantly illegal use of plastic milk crates, and the latent fear of prosecution associated with this alleged crime. v. To create and build home furnishings using stolen milk crates.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: laktōkärtōnoiə

Sentence: Emily's boyfriend has a wonderful wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling bookcase made entirely of milk cartons. Emily had lactocartonoia. She is convinced that, at any moment, the dairy police are going to break down her door and drag her off to jail. She is also terrified that she might accidentally remove a tag from a pillow or mattress.

Etymology: lacto (of or relating to milk) + carton (a light box or container, typically one made of waxed cardboard or plastic ) + paranoia (a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution)

Points: 809

Comments: Lactocartanoia

wayoffcenter - 2009-04-03: 07:33:00
I think the pillow tags are the worse. I know they scare me.