Verboticism: Creativemess

'The seat broke, so I made a new one...'

DEFINITION: n. The creative, yet blatantly illegal use of plastic milk crates, and the latent fear of prosecution associated with this alleged crime. v. To create and build home furnishings using stolen milk crates.

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Created by: dj1919

Pronunciation: kree-ey-tiv-mess

Sentence: It was a good idea when i got the creativemess out to replace the toilet. it cleans up ANY messes in the toilet. Just place the fizz in the toilet and CLEAN AWAY! Creativemess comes in 6 packs. But Before you get your toilet wand out, go to the store and buy, creativemess! It'll do the cleanin' for ya'll!

Etymology: creative: –adjective 1. having the quality or power of creating. 2. resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.; imaginative: creative writing. 3. originative; productive (usually fol. by of). 4. Facetious. using or creating exaggerated or skewed data, information, etc.: creative bookkeeping. mess: noun. 1. a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition: The room was in a mess. 2. a person or thing that is dirty, untidy, or disordered. 3. a state of embarrassing confusion: My affairs are in a mess. 4. an unpleasant or difficult situation: She got into a mess driving without a license. 5. a dirty or untidy mass, litter, or jumble: a mess of papers. 6. a group regularly taking their meals together. 7. the meal so taken. 8. mess hall. 9. Naval. messroom. 10. a quantity of food sufficient for a dish or a single occasion: to pick a mess of sweet corn for dinner. 11. a sloppy or unappetizing preparation of food. 12. a dish or quantity of soft or liquid food: to cook up a nice mess of pottage. 13. a person whose life or affairs are in a state of confusion, esp. a person with a confused or disorganized moral or psychological outlook. –verb (used with object) 14. to make dirty or untidy (often fol. by up): Don't mess the room. 15. to make a mess or muddle of (affairs, responsibilities, etc.) (often fol. by up): They messed the deal. 16. to supply with meals, as military personnel. 17. to treat roughly; beat up (usually followed by up): The gang messed him up. –verb (used without object) 18. to eat in company, esp. as a member of a mess. 19. to make a dirty or untidy mess. —Verb phrases20. mess around or about, a. Informal. to busy oneself without purpose or plan; work aimlessly or halfheartedly; putter. b. Informal. to waste time; loaf. c. Informal. to meddle or interfere. d. Informal. to involve or associate oneself, esp. for immoral or unethical purposes: His wife accused him of messing around with gamblers. e. Slang. to trifle sexually; philander. 21. mess in or with, to intervene officiously; meddle: You'll get no thanks for messing in the affairs of others. 22. mess up, a. to make dirty, untidy, or disordered. b. to make muddled, confused, etc.; make a mess of; spoil; botch. c. to perform poorly; bungle: She messed up on the final exam.

Points: 947

Comments: Creativemess

dj1919 - 2009-04-03: 21:54:00

silveryaspen - 2009-04-04: 09:05:00
Welcome! You may have set a new record for the longest etymology!