Verboticism: Storemybitch

'And how would you like to pay sir?'

DEFINITION: v. To yell at a store clerk for correctly doing something that is clearly part of their job. n. A shopper who believes, as a "customer", it's their duty to bother, berate and belittle the people who serve them.

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: stormy (store me) bitch

Sentence: The hag had gone on a jag, a store wide deride, turning many an employee in the store house, into a running store mouse. Like a tornado she struck, heaving down her groceries, making the clerk wish he could run into a storm cellar, instead of reamining a store seller. Like a storm beach, the clerk shored himself up, and braved the storemybitch!

Etymology: The comparison being that of a STORE hit by a STOREMY BITCH, making it as beseiged as as STORMY BEACH. Store - place where goods are sold. Stormy - 1) affected by and subject to storms that can wreak havoc. Stormy - 2) subjected to strong emotional disturbances that can wreak havoc. Bitch - a highly offensive term for a woman who attacks, like a storm attacks, but with words, using them to berate and belittle, often in a vulgar way with vulgar language.

Points: 1454

Comments: Storemybitch

abrakadeborah - 2009-04-17: 03:48:00
ROTFLMAO! You're so funny! Loved it! :)