Verboticism: Amneshop

'Did you put the groceries in the trunk?'

DEFINITION: v. To go to the store and buy something, but then to forget to bring it home. n. A person who forgets what they bought -- until the credit card bill comes in.

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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: am-knee-shop

Sentence: Gladys strolled around the Stop and Shop for 3 hours collecting her groceries to plan the perfect Thanksgiving dinner. It wasn't until she got home and unloaded that she realized that not only did she neglect to pick up even one item on her list, but also that Thanksgiving was 5 months ago. Such an amneshopper.

Etymology: amnesia + shop

Points: 1397

Comments: Amneshop

silveryaspen - 2009-04-13: 13:50:00
Nice shocking ending! :-)