Verboticism: Abjury

'Should I call an ambulance?'

DEFINITION: v. To deny that you have stupidly injured yourself for fear of punishment or ridicule. n. A person who won't admit it when they shoot themselves in the foot (which they seem to do quite often).

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: ab-jury

Sentence: The scars from Iris's abjury were clearly evident on her face, yet, she had so strongly denied it that there was no recognition of them when she looked in the mirror nor any recollection of her stabbing herself in the eye as she tried to defrost the fridge with an ice pick.

Etymology: abjure (forswear) + injury

Points: 1646

Comments: Abjury

Nosila - 2009-04-14: 20:21:00
Abjurlutely fabulous