Verboticism: Storgot

DEFINITION: v. To go to the store and buy something, but then to forget to bring it home. n. A person who forgets what they bought -- until the credit card bill comes in.
Created by: memyselfandbo
Pronunciation: Store-got
Sentence: As instructed by his wife Gail, Sam dutifully picked out a gallon of 2% milk for the baby and was about to check out when he noticed a large display of spicy mustard at the end of aisle 12. He did his best to prevent drooling on the linoleum as he thought of pairing the mustard with his food of choice, bratwurst. He ran down the aisles to pick up some brats and buns and went back to the glorious mustard aisle. With his four items bumbling in his arms, he approached the cashier who rang up his items. She placed the brats, buns, and mustard in one bag and the milk in another. With firing up his grill on the brain, Sam grabbed the treasured bag with glee but storgot the milk. Only when he saw Gail's angry glare did he remember why he went to the store in the first place. Sam's heart sank as he realized he'd be on diaper duty for the next two weeks. And it sank even lower as he got back in the car, prolonging his bratfest even further.
Etymology: Store: a place that sells milk, brats, buns, beer, and other stuff you can eat. Forgot: to not remember.
Points: 1166