Verboticism: Reevalumate

'Hell is my wife's home town'

DEFINITION: v. To fall out of love with someone because you have finally realized that they are nothing but trouble. n. A vicious lover who has big problems and likes to share them with you.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: re-eval-u-mate

Sentence: (no offense to Bob Dylan) It is not a benefit to be seated and speculate a reason, attractive young woman. It serves no useful purpose in any case. No, it is not advantageous to rest with your back and buttocks on a chair and ponder a cause for this event, young child or innocent, if you're not cognizant of it at this particular time. When the male domestic fowl makes noise in the early morning, gaze out of your window and I will have left the premises. It is because of you that I must continue to move to another place with a suitcase or some other means of carrying my belongings. Do not reevalumate, it is satisfactory.

Etymology: reevaluate: think twice + mate: spouse, companion (translation for youngn's: an adaptation of the Dylan song "Don't think twice, it's alright.")

Points: 887