Verboticism: Loomencroachide
DEFINITION: v. To hover near, or directly on top of, a person who is busy doing something else, in order to force them to immediately surrender their full attention. n. A person who invades other people's private spaces and uses the social discomfort to demand attention.
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: loom-en-CROW-chide (loomencroachider)
Sentence: She looked like a waif as she tapped on the door- Flashing those gams and the smile that she wore… The library opens – it’s open to all. But she pestered the patrons- the long, short and tall. Now we regret having let her inside- Cause all that she does is LOOMENCROACHIDE!
Etymology: LOOM+ENCROACH+chIDE=LOOMENCROACHIDE....LOOM: to come into sight in enlarged or distorted and indistinct form often as a result of atmospheric conditions, to take shape as an impending occurrence; origin unknown Date: circa 1541 .....ENCROACH: to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the rights of another,to advance beyond the usual or proper limits; Middle English encrochen to get, seize, from Anglo-French encrocher, from en- + croc, croche hook [1528].....CHIDE: intransitive verb To reproach in a usually mild and constructive manner; Middle English, from Old English cīdan to quarrel, chide, from cīd strife.
Points: 1274
Comments: Loomencroachide
DrWebster111 - 2009-05-19: 22:06:00
amazing rhyming sentence!