Verboticism: Aidandregret

'Let me help you with that zipper'

DEFINITION: v. To insist on helping someone in spite of their repeated assurance that they have things well in hand, and already have their own remedies in mind. n. Unwanted help or assistance.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ayd and ree gret

Sentence: Mary meant well, but too often her attempts at helping people were unrequested and ended up as an aidandregret situation. This was true when her boyfriend, Dick, had that unfortunate zipper accident. Mary acted like a flyattendant and tried to help him with his seatbelt, which locked and failed to get into an upright position. He had trouble finding the nearest exit and as a result has been temporarily grounded. His new Zip Code is OOH NOO. Yes, there's something about Mary...

Etymology: Aid (help, assistance) & Regret (sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment;be sorry) Play on Aid and Abet (assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing)

Points: 890