Verboticism: Characthairize

'Her hair is not!'

DEFINITION: v. To assess an individual's current mental state, or identify hidden personality traits, through careful analysis of their hairstyle. n. A method of psychoanalysis based hairdos and don'ts.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: kair - ak - tare - ize

Sentence: Lisette had beautiful hair so Phil tended to characthairize her as pleasant, organized and ethical. He believed that Mona was unintelligent and lacking in manners because of her wild and unkept hair. In fact, his hairsessments were erroneous because; of the two women, Mona was the one with integrity, intelligence and loyalty.

Etymology: characterize (describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of), hair

Points: 623