Verboticism: Shameleon

'I am King Kong!'

DEFINITION: v. To identify so strongly with character from a book, show, or urban legend, that you become convinced that the story is actually about you. n., A person who believes they are a fictional character in wonderfully tragic and heroic story.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: shamēlyən

Sentence: Joey is a shameleon. When he goes to a movie or play, he often leaves with the feeling that he is somehow connected to the hero and can do much of what was depicted. He has to be very careful choosing what he goes to see. Bond movies? Trouble! Dukes of Hazard? Wrecked his car! His pet gecko may be in trouble if he goes to see **How to train your dragon**.

Etymology: sham (a thing that is not what it is purported to be) + chameleon (a small slow-moving Old World lizard with a prehensile tail, long extensible tongue, protruding eyes that rotate independently, and a highly developed ability to change color)

Points: 929

Comments: Shameleon

Nosila - 2010-04-16: 23:19:00