Verboticism: Mockshock

'Would you like to try my new ride?'

DEFINITION: v. To purchase a low-cost product and cover it with the label, or put it inside the packaging of a premium brand. n. A cheap product, which has been repackaged, or relabeled, by the consumer to make it look like an expensive brand.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: mäkshäk

Sentence: In a major case of mockshock, Hannah found that the fabuloss designer top she bought from a road-side vendor was not what it was purported to be. The first time she washed it, it virtually dissolved. It must have been made of opulint.

Etymology: mock (not authentic or real) + shock (a sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience)

Points: 587

Comments: Mockshock

Nosila - 2010-05-12: 11:24:00
It was a mockcident...

XMbIPb - 2010-05-12: 17:24:00
Darn... I should have thought of this one! :-) Good job, ARTR.