Verboticism: Phonbia
DEFINITION: v. To feel stressed and anxious and when your mobile phone runs out of battery power, drops its network connection, or in the worst case, gets misplaced and lost. n. A panic attack caused by an interruption in your mobile phone service.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: fōnbēə
Sentence: Jill practically lives with her celly in hand. Talking, texting, surfing... she’s all about it. One of the problems this causes is a major case of phonbia, a general case of what if. What if the signal fades? What if the battery fails? What if she sprains her thumb? AAAAAAAAAAAA!
Etymology: phone (a system that converts acoustic vibrations to electrical signals in order to transmit sound) + phobia (an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something)
Points: 689