Verboticism: Leagalistic

'Hurry up we need to get in line!'

DEFINITION: v. To hurry up and wait. n. A person who compels you to prepare quickly for an activity which they know will be delayed, postponed or retarded.

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Created by: RLMzies

Pronunciation: Leaug-ual-lis-tic

Sentence: Mr. Barnes is a very leagalistic man. He made sure i packed my bags about 2 1/2 hours before it was time to leave to the airport. When i packed my bags, we left, 1 hour and 15 minuets early and waiting on the plane for 45 minuets. This is one very leagalistic man.

Etymology: This word came from the lanuage latin in the 1800's when the king of the time was always very early for events and since he was the kind and took care or leagal issues, they created this word to define the personatly of the king.

Points: 1061

Comments: Leagalistic

Bubbles - 2010-06-27: 22:38:00
I love this word.