Verboticism: Manipublame

'You're melting my ice cream!'

DEFINITION: n. A person who blames their neighbors, coworkers, and/or parents for anything and everything that is wrong in the world. v. To lay blame on someone for something which is obviously beyond their control and influence.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: man ip u blaym

Sentence: Sherry is the Queen of manipublame. Nothing in the world is ever her fault. It's her parent's fault she was born; her teachers' fault she did poorly in school;her boss' fault she got fired and her boyfriend Andrew's fault that she is having to plan a wedding. If he thinks she's grumpy now, wait till she is stressed out by wedding details. Run, Andrew, run while you still can...

Etymology: Manipulate (influence or control shrewdly or deviously) & Blame (Accuse;reproch;attribute responsibility to)

Points: 587