Verboticism: Skullandcrossjones

'The victim of an extremely vicious browbeating'

DEFINITION: n. Annoying neighbors who spend endless hours mowing their lawns, painting their fences, washing their cars, and browbeating you because you have a life. v. To express disapproval for someone's lifestyle.

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: skul and CROS joanz

Sentence: No matter how hard anyone on the court tried, they could never match the beauty and perfection of the Jones family's property. This was due to the fact that both Mr. and Mrs. Jones were retired landscapers, and each spent at least two hours a day working in the yard. To top it off, they went for walks each weekend in which they pointed to various sections of their neighbors' yards and whispered to one another, apparently identifying flaws and not bothering to conceal their disapproval. Some of the court's residents had nearly killed themselves trying to keep up with the Joneses, to no avail. The neighborhood atmosphere became so toxic that after a while, everyone started referring to them as "Mr. and Mrs. Skullandcrossjones."

Etymology: Jones, as in "keeping up with the Joneses" + skull-and-crossbones (a picture of the human skull above two crossed bones, now used as a warning of poison, danger or death)

Points: 1082

Comments: Skullandcrossjones

Nosila - 2010-09-28: 19:44:00
jollyroger over and out!