Verboticism: Scentiment

'It reminds me of when our kids were babies.'

DEFINITION: n. A wayward scent or aroma which invokes distant memories of one's childhood or younger days. v. To be suddenly catapulted into the past by a very strong odor.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sen tim ment

Sentence: When Barbie was tending her sick husband,Ken, the smell of changing diapers took her back to t he days when she tended her babies. It was a lovely scentiment for her, an empty nester...a reminder that she was still needed by someone. Of course the outlook in those days was different. She knew that they would soon outgrew their bad habits and become productive citizens...just the opposite of now. Oh well, in sickness and in health... Or like her friend told her, "Marriage is like a deck of cards, it starts with 2 hearts and a diamond and in the end you just want a club and a spade"!

Etymology: Scent (an odor left in passing by which a person or animal can be traced) & Sentiment(tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion, particularly of bygone days)

Points: 857

Comments: Scentiment

galwaywegian - 2010-10-05: 04:36:00