Verboticism: Locomotorist

'Yes, I know it's red.'

DEFINITION: v., To slowly inch your vehicle forward at a red traffic light hoping that you can make it change faster. n., A driver who allows their vehicle to creep into the middle of an intersection while waiting for a red light.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: lo ko mo to rist

Sentence: Coco was a locomotorist. She would creep her car along at red lights, without concern for those heading her way from either side. She's been lucky so far, but her luck is running out. Is this Suicide by Suzuki? Harakiri by Hyundai? Death by Dodge? Kamikaze by Kia? Murder by Mazda? Coco is also Loco.

Etymology: Locomotion (self-propelled movement) & Motorist (driver) and Loco (Spanish for crazy)

Points: 752