Verboticism: Prelimingest

'Are you prepping for the office lunch?'

DEFINITION: v. To pig out at your desk right before a business lunch, so you'll be satisfied with a salad and water at the restaurant, and create the impression that you're not a glutton. n., A secret snack taken to strengthen one's resolve not to eat too much while others are watching.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: prilimənjest

Sentence: Gloria always keeps a stock of snack foods her desk drawer to ensure she won’t be caught hungry for a business lunch. Her plan is to prilimənjest so that she can appear delicate and demure. Strangely, she doesn’t go to business lunches very often but has to replenish her stash weekly.

Etymology: preliminary (denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important) + ingest (take food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing it)

Points: 659