Verboticism: Hidicruel

'So team, what do you think of my new idea?'

DEFINITION: n., An expressive gesture made with the belief that the person it is directed at cannot see it, typically occurs during telephone conversations, email discourses, and behind people's backs. v. To use an unseen gesture to express what you cannot say.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: hidikroōəl

Sentence: Jerry ”accidently” disabled the video aspect of the weekly conference call with the home office so that he could hidicruel whatever new directive was to be delivered. As he openly mocked his bosses, his co-workers were hard pressed to contain their laughter.

Etymology: hidden (kept out of sight; concealed) + ridicule (the subjection of someone or something to mockery and derision) + cruel (causing pain or suffering)

Points: 683