Verboticism: Bedtrayal

'Thank goodness you walked in!'

DEFINITION: n. The mental state induced by the discovery your new husband, and your maid of honor, entangled in the satin sheets given to you as a wedding present by your grandmother. v. To catch your new husband in a close quarters with a close friend.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: bed tray al

Sentence: When Samantha discovered her groom, Roger, with her bridesmaid Marie, together on her marriage bed, she felt horrible bedtrayal. She was enraged that they were doing it on the fabulous new bedding her Grandma had given her. Talk about cheat sheets...

Etymology: Bed (have sexual intercourse with;a piece of furniture in which to sleep and do other things) & Betrayal (be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage)

Points: 671