Verboticism: Machobotchup

DEFINITION: v., To strain with all your might in a desperate effort to open a sealed container, such as a jar of pickles. n., A small jar which cannot be opened.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: mah-cho-BOTSCH-up
Sentence: Stan was always trying to impress the ladies with feats of strength but more often than not his puny efforts ended with a machobotchup, leaving the impression that he was a wimp rather than a stud.
Etymology: Blend of 'macho' (an assertively virile, dominating, or domineering male) and 'botch'(to foul up hopelessly —often used with up)
Points: 503
Comments: Machobotchup
artr - 2012-11-30: 08:56:00
I also detect a touch of ketchup.