Verboticism: Purplevoodoo

'That idiot has finally been fired?'

DEFINITION: n. A mixture of delight and guilt felt when a colleague, whom you despise, suffers a misfortune. v. To feel bad about feeling good when something bad happens to someone who is definitely not good.

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Created by: Bulletchewer

Pronunciation: per-pull-voo-doo

Sentence: His lust rival's key not unlocking the door brought a sense of purplevoodoo to the guy who, for purely business purposes, had convinced his foxy boss to change the locks on the executive bathrooms.

Etymology: Thought I'd pile in the Hendrix references. Purple is the colour of success/pleasure (a purple patch) but also a bruise. Voodoo is the type of doll people use to alter others' fortunes. Both words appear in famous Jimi songs!

Points: 668

Comments: Purplevoodoo

purpleartichokes - 2007-03-23: 08:08:00
Hmmmm... double entendre? What was that sharp pain I just felt in the corner of my mouth?

Stevenson0 - 2007-03-23: 10:26:00
Is that a purple haze, or purple rain on the horizon?

Bulletchewer - 2007-03-23: 10:29:00
'Scuse me while I kiss the sky!

purpleartichokes - 2007-03-23: 12:25:00
'Scuse me while I change my name to AzureArtichokes; this navel piercing is killing me.

Bulletchewer - 2007-03-23: 12:56:00
How's the knee?

purpleartichokes - 2007-03-23: 14:18:00
AAAAARRRRGH! Agonkneeee!