Verboticism: Digimutia nervosa

'This is the real me.'

DEFINITION: n. A self-image disorder characterized by an inability look at, share, or even recognize pictures of yourself, unless they have been photoshopped to perfection. v. To fall in love with a photoshopped image yourself.

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Digimutia nervosa

Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˌdɪdʒəˈmjuʃə ˌnɝˈvoʊsə/

Sentence: Shortly after completing his roles as Gollum in the _Lord of the Rings_ trilogy and as the title character in _King Kong_, actor Andy Serkis suffered a temporary but severe case of digimutia nervosa, refusing to be filmed without motion-capture gear and heavy post-production special effects.

Etymology: digi- (as in "digital") + muta- (from Latin "mutandis," meaning change, as in "mutate") + nervosa (indicating a mental disorder, as in "anorexia nervosa")

Points: 539

Comments: Digimutia nervosa

Clayton - 2007-06-05: 04:42:00
Speaking of good sentences! Although Serkis was also Lumpy, the cook.