Verboticism: Curriculumvacuum

'I sent in my resume, not a prison record.'

DEFINITION: To submit a resume, letter of intent, or proposal for an opportunity that's just perfect for you, and then to get absolutely no response. Nothing.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: kurr ick you lum vack youm

Sentence: His resume was sucken into the curriculumvacuum, tearing off a large chunk of his self-confidence as it sped toward the void

Etymology: curriculum vitae vacuum

Points: 650

Comments: Curriculumvacuum

ErWenn - 2007-06-27: 06:40:00
Fantastic! I think this is where I'm supposed to pull content for the class I was hired to teach this summer. Would it have killed them to get textbooks?

Clayton - 2007-06-27: 21:04:00
All right!