Verboticism: Jocklamation

'I'm clean! Clean as a needle!'

DEFINITION: The prescribed response of shock and denial that all world-class athletes follow when caught using banned drugs.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: jok/la/may/shun

Sentence: Who me? Never! is the universal jocklamation of the professional athlete.

Etymology: jock + proclamation + declaration

Points: 530

Comments: Jocklamation

Kyoti - 2007-07-27: 11:07:00
I don't know why this makes me think of Saran Wrap and Valetine's day. ;))

Kyoti - 2007-07-27: 11:07:00
Darned silent "n".

Jabberwocky - 2007-07-27: 12:28:00
saran wrap? Valentine's Day? perhaps you're confusing this with premature ejockulation - I think there's an injockulation for that

Kyoti - 2007-07-27: 16:35:00
Nope, my mistake... I was thinking of jocklamination.

Kyoti - 2007-07-27: 16:36:00
And not my long-suffering bane, jocklamentation.

Kyoti - 2007-07-27: 16:37:00
Or the halloween ornamental jock-O-lantern.