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'Excuse me, but that's my button.'

DEFINITION: v. To push a push-button that has just been pushed by someone else because you "need" to push it yourself; common at elevators, traffic lights, and family meetings. n. A person who "needs" to push their own buttons.

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /əbˈspɹɛs/

Sentence: The tendency to obspress is one of those annoying habits that fills me with reflustration.

Etymology: from obsess + press


I just realized that I should have just submitted "repush" - ErWenn, 2007-04-11: 10:50:00


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Created by: Crabtime


Sentence: Staring obsessively at the nuclear control panel, she couldn't help but compresilicate every last button that her instructor showed her.


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Created by: Pandora

Pronunciation: anal-push

Sentence: Although the crosswalk button was already lit, Jane noticed that the next man who arrived at the corner analpushed the button anyway.

Etymology: anal (obsessive) + push

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Created by: LankyJane

Pronunciation: RE dun DAY shun

Sentence: The guy that just pushed the glowing "Ground floor" button in the lift was suffering from some major redundation.

Etymology: From the words "reduntant" and "retardation". Performingly a stupidly pointless act, such as pushing an elevator button that has clearly already been selected.


interesting - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-19: 11:44:00


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Created by: lynne61

Pronunciation: butt-aw-no-me

Sentence: His buttonomy forced him into pushing the third floor button although it was still warm from the woman's touch.

Etymology: button and autonomy

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Created by: CharlieB

Pronunciation: mon-ob-main-ee-ah

Sentence: Jeff was so self absorbed he just didn't notice the three other people standing at the pedestrian crossing. This refusal to snap out of his tunnel vision and engage with the city in which he lived meant he was a total monobmaniac: see a knob and press it. His brother, on the other hand, suffered from compullsion - he couldn't stop himself opening doors for people.

Etymology: monomania (an obsessive interest in a single thing) + maniac (an overly enthusiastic person) + knob (a round projection on a surface & offensive slang term for an idiot)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: com/push/yuhn

Sentence: Joe has to be sure he is in total control of his life and make things happen for himself. As a result, he has to push all the buttons and make all his own choices to ensure he has forged his own path. His compushion is annoying to those around him, but he must control the panel of his life and be assured he caused what is to take place in his life.

Etymology: COMPUSHION - noun - from COMPULSION (an irresistible impulse to perform an act + PUSH (press with energy and insistence)


Another good one! - lumina, 2008-06-19: 02:29:00

excellent - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-19: 11:42:00

Another Top word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-20: 05:53:00


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Created by: Tanik

Pronunciation: im-paa-shunt-eyetis

Sentence: Tony's impatientitis made it impossible for him to just wait. He had to push the button over and over.

Etymology: impatien (can't wait) and itis (disease)

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Created by: WhiteRhino

Pronunciation: Re-butt-on

Sentence: Linda rebuttoned the elevator switch nervously.

Etymology: Re - again Button - uh...button.

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: press-cah-layt

Sentence: he arrived at the traffic lights and couldn't help but prescalate... the other gentleman responded with his own prescalation...the situation then prescalated to such a point that neither of them were prepared to leave the button even when the lights changed...

Etymology: press, escalate

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-10: 02:32:00
Today's definition was suggested by Osomatic.
Thank you Osomatic! ~ James

Mustang - 2008-06-19: 08:28:00
Being compushive isnt easy. It takes lots of energy and ingenuity.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-10-27: 02:10:00
Today's definition was suggested by Osomatic. Thank you Osomatic. ~ James