Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A state of irrational irritation, which inevitably develops whenever you work or live with someone whose annoyingly bad habits happen to mirror your own. v. To be annoyed by someone who has the same annoying habits that you do.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: MissJones
Sentence: Living with him keeps me in a permanent state of projiktation. You're so projiktable!
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: mar/sell/mar/sew/ism
Sentence: Who would have thought a co-worker would arrive dressed as a mime (my usual attire) and cause such marcelmarceauism.
Etymology: Marcel Marceau (famous mime) + ism
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: car-bon-cop-eevd
Sentence: he became so carboncopeeved that that he had no choice but to find somewhere else to live
Etymology: carbon copy, peeved
missed this the first time round - good one - Jabberwocky, 2007-04-05: 14:50:00
Created by: playdohheart
Pronunciation: Peer-ah-tate
Sentence: Susan stood with her boss's dry cleaning, peeritated as hell, while Randy handed him tickets to a performance of his favorite opera... in Vienna.
Etymology: peer- an equal, fellow in community; irritation- a state of anger
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˌɹifləˈstɹeɪʃən/
Sentence: The annoyance caused by the cohabitation of a neat freak and a slob is nothing compared to the reflustration that ensues when two slobs move in together.
Etymology: From reflect + frustration
I'm voting for you! Delusions make me believe that both of those co-habituations would make good scenarios for a sit-com. Bet someone's already done it... Wayne and Waynetta Slob (by Harry Enfield) comes to mind. - Bulletchewer, 2007-04-04: 14:38:00
Created by: Bulletchewer
Pronunciation: slob-in-me-be-itchin or -bitchin
Sentence: I find the slobinmebitchin whenever my brother picks it, licks it, rolls it and flicks it.
Etymology: From "slob" meaning "Weezer tune", "in me" and "be itching" or "bitchin". Slobs usually have bad habits, itching is an irritation, and the "in me" covers the mirror bit.
Created by: Erikv
Pronunciation: Mim ick ee
Sentence: He knew he never wanted to be cloned because of the intense mimicky he felt every time Ted aped him.
Etymology: Mimic plus icky
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: mir err tay shun
Sentence: his sense of mirrortation multiplied with each swallowed bogey he witnessed.
Etymology: mirror irritation
Verbotomy - 2007-04-04: 00:40:00
Today's definition was suggested by sasgod.
Thank you sasgod! ~ James
Bulletchewer - 2007-04-04: 04:45:00
I think we've already overdone the "doppelgaenger" idea.
wordmeister - 2007-04-04: 09:17:00
Hey Bulletchewer, Are you slobinmebitchin about the carboncopeeved apeathy? Or, are you just feeling hypocricheesed by today's twinfuriating doppelangers?
Bulletchewer - 2007-04-04: 10:59:00
You tell me, Mr Overkill.
wordmeister - 2007-04-04: 15:49:00
I think it's Olsenation...
Verbotomy - 2009-10-21: 04:45:00
Today's definition was suggested by sasgod. Thank you sasgod. ~ James