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DEFINITION: n. The slow but steady rise of murmurs, coughs or harrumphs in audience. May indicate dissatisfaction, or the presence of a lethally infectious virus. v. To clear one's throat
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Created by: artr
Pronunciation: uh-hem-duh-moh-nee-uhm
Sentence: When the comedian crossed the line of good taste the room was overtaken with ahemdemonium. The ensuing cacophony left him no choice but to take a quick bow and exit the stage. The departure drew a standing ovation.
Etymology: ahem (an utterance similar to the sound of clearing one's throat, used to attract attention, express doubt or a mild warning, etc.) + pandemonium (wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: spek tay tor ayt
Sentence: The rate of spectatorate rises proportionately to the length and boredom with a production, sports event or movie. It is only surpassed by the exitspectatorate of patrons to the washrooms or snack bars. The former taking 45 minutes and the latter costing about $24 a pop.
Etymology: Spectator (a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as a performance or an exhibition of some kind) & Expectorate (clear out the chest and lungs;discharge (phlegm or sputum) from the lungs and out of the mouth)
Created by: mickey666
Pronunciation: dis-tra-fack-shon
Sentence: The combination of a slow plot and ticklish throats led to a raucus bout of distrafaction
Etymology: combination of distraction and satisfaction
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: in-fex-ee-can-wayv
Sentence: sadly for him, when it finally got to his ONE line in the play, the audience was in throes of an infexicanwave
Etymology: infectious, mexican wave
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ex/SARS/per/a/shun
Sentence: From the first note of the concert his sickly hacking cough began. After twenty minutes, most of the audience was in a total state of exsarsperation, fearing they would all expire before the end of the concert.
Etymology: exasperation (upset) + SARS_______________ Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
You're missing a closing bracket ) at the end of you're etymology, there. - Javeson1, 2007-02-21: 01:13:00
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: kah-KOF-oh-nee
Sentence: I will never go to the opera during flu season again. The cacoughony was so bad that I could hardly hear the closing aria.
Etymology: cacophony with coughs
nice job, very clever. - Javeson1, 2007-02-21: 01:12:00
great word -you get my vote! - w5lf9s, 2007-02-21: 12:31:00
Created by: quippingqueen
Pronunciation: ug/men/ta/shun
Sentence: As the ughmentation level reached epic proportions in the performance hall, he realized that he was allergic to hard-core chamber music.
Etymology: ugh: interjection used to indicate the sound of a grunt or cough to express disgust or horror + augmentation: synonymous with increase
Created by: allwise
Pronunciation: coff-schen-do
Sentence: And as the pianist lost his 3rd note, the mighty coughscendo rose to a murmur and he knew it was the end of his career.
Etymology: cough + crescendo
Created by: sodium
Pronunciation: crash-en-doe
Sentence: Sensing an oncoming crashendo, the director of "Hasselhoff: The Musical" decided to cut the performance after only the first act.
Etymology: crash = failure & crescendo = a gradual increase in volume
Very funny sentence! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-21: 11:37:00
Verbotomy - 2007-02-21: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by galwaywegian.
Thank you galwaywegian! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-02-21: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by galwaywegian.
Thank you galwaywegian! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-02-21: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by galwaywegian.
Thank you galwaywegian! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-09-15: 08:12:00
Today's definition was suggested by galwaywegian. Thank you galwaywegian. ~ James