Vote for the best verboticism.

'Hell is my wife's home town'

DEFINITION: v. To fall out of love with someone because you have finally realized that they are nothing but trouble. n. A vicious lover who has big problems and likes to share them with you.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: diss enchan ted for est rayn jer

Sentence: He said she was a victim, he was the disenchantedforestranger; but when she hated his music,it re-arranged him.

Etymology: The disenchanted forest (where things are not what they seldom come back from that stroll in tact!) & disenchantment(freed from enchantment) & Forest ranger ( an official who is responsible for managing and protecting an area of forest;one who oversees that which occurs in a forest)

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: deep - hart

Sentence: Lila decided to depheart when Alfie kept singing about how she had ruined his life, how evil a woman she was, and how she took her love to town....

Etymology: depart, heart


good one - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-04: 12:12:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sweet-hurt

Sentence: Bob finally hit the road when he figures it was his sweethurt that had the problem. "It ain't me, Babe" were his parting words. Just like a woman, she told Mr. Tambourine Man, "I shall be released". He, on the other hand was tangled up in blue.

Etymology: sweetheart (person whom another loves) + hurt (to cause bodily or mental pain or distress)


I too originally thought it was a picture of Bob, but you just have to accept that it's all over now (baby blue) so stop being a Joker Man. - Eightbhall, 2013-08-30: 05:12:00


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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Fire-e-loved-low-cal

Sentence: My evil ex was fierylovedlocal every time she touched me my skin would melt!

Etymology: Fiery: Consisting of or containing fire. Burning or glowing. Using or effected with fire. Easily ignited; flammable. Having the color of fire; brightly red: fiery hair; a fiery sunset. Torridly hot. Feverishly hot and flushed. Being in an inflamed, usually painful condition. Easily excited or emotionally volatile; tempestuous: a fiery temper. Charged with emotion; spirited: Loved: (Slang for UN Loved) as in to feel love the past tense of love in my word...A person who used to be the object of deep or intense affection or attraction Local:Of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular place.

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Created by: dekra

Pronunciation: A-more-tis

Sentence: The times they were a-changin, and Bob's amortis annoyed him incessantly; his visions of Johanna slowly faded. The tambourine man said "It's alright 'ma," I have been released though I'm tangled up in blue. I have amortised the vixen, and though a hard rain's a-gonna fall, I will carry on like a rolling stone.

Etymology: Love + Death, Amore + Mortis

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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: luv er not

Sentence: I thought they were together but she was actually his lovernot.

Etymology: love her / lover not

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: re-eval-u-mate

Sentence: (no offense to Bob Dylan) It is not a benefit to be seated and speculate a reason, attractive young woman. It serves no useful purpose in any case. No, it is not advantageous to rest with your back and buttocks on a chair and ponder a cause for this event, young child or innocent, if you're not cognizant of it at this particular time. When the male domestic fowl makes noise in the early morning, gaze out of your window and I will have left the premises. It is because of you that I must continue to move to another place with a suitcase or some other means of carrying my belongings. Do not reevalumate, it is satisfactory.

Etymology: reevaluate: think twice + mate: spouse, companion (translation for youngn's: an adaptation of the Dylan song "Don't think twice, it's alright.")

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: sing/dic/tive

Sentence: Bob was a singdictive balladeer who followed his window washing girlfriend around town singing 'it ain't me babe'. Go way from my window, Leave at your own chosen speed. Im not the one you want, babe, Im not the one you need.

Etymology: sing + vindictive + dic


hahahah...funny - mweinmann, 2009-05-04: 12:03:00

You crack me UP! Too funny and you are one of the REAL ones that doesn't hold back and VERY original! KUDOS! to you :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-05-05: 01:43:00


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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Nar-siss-scape

Sentence: Jody realised with disgust that her boyfriend really was the self-centered little brat her friends had told her about when he insisted that she carry the crappy present to his friends' house. "Well I don't want him to think I bought that for him!" he had said, even though he had. She decided with a wry smile that a narsiscape was required, and why not now at the party? He cute friend would be here after all..

Etymology: Narcissist - ego centric; Escape - ergo run away from.


Revenge is a dish best served hot, huh ? ;-) - emdeejay, 2009-05-06: 02:09:00

Revenge is a nye for an I :P - dochanne, 2009-05-06: 03:29:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: ree-rome-ee-oh-voke

Sentence: She felt reromeovoked by Elvis once and for all while her mother reminded her that he has been dead for 33 years!

Etymology: revoke (take back, cancel) + Romeo (the romantic lover of Juliet in Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-04: 00:01:01
Today's definition was inspired by Bob Dylan's new song "My Wife's Home Town", one of may favorites on his new album. Apparently his wife is from Hell, and has one heck of an evil eye. Couldn't help but wonder what she thinks of this song ~ James

abrakadeborah - 2009-05-04: 03:46:00
Great Idea James :) I enjoyed that and seeing the twitter area. I also added this site to to bring more traffic and fresh faces for new voting based on merit, not on popularity or cheating like some do...I love it here! :)~ Deb

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-04: 07:13:00
Hey abrakadeborah, thank you for sharing your locally fired love words. ~ James

mweinmann - 2009-05-04: 12:02:00
Fun with Dylan...thanks for this new idea. I agree, I am glad to see fresh faces for new voting based on merit.....this will hopefully dilute any "clique" factors or cheating.