Vote for the best verboticism.

'Look at these lovely lunches. I'm tempted to steal one...'

DEFINITION: v., To swap your lousy lunch for a way tastier one found in the shared office fridge. n., A lunch which is borrowed from a coworker and will not be returned until after it has been consumed.

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Created by: QuantumMechanic

Pronunciation: linch boks

Sentence: I'll have to trade this spamwich for a lynchbox in the break room.

Etymology: lynch (extralegal punishment) + box (< [lunch]box)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Re-FRIJ-er-aid-ing

Sentence: Tired of his stale peanut butter sandwiches Virgil went refrigeraiding until he found something a bit tastier.

Etymology: Refrigerator - raiding


great word - makes me think of Indiana Jones - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-05: 13:10:00

Very good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-05: 16:37:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: rifrijərādər

Sentence: Nobody planned it. There was no discussion about it but on Monday everybody who had been a victim stocked the company **fridge** with revenge. Whether it was the yogurt laced with dish soap or the BLT (bacon, lettuce & toothpaste) the refrigeraider was exposed as he ran from the kitchen gagging. There were high-fives and cheering as the crew adjourned to the cafeteria to celebrate with food that was only one notch above what they had prepared.

Etymology: refrigerator (an appliance or compartment that is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink) + raider (surprise attacker)


genius!! - galwaywegian, 2010-03-02: 09:50:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: gruhb-STI-tyoot(toot)

Sentence: Sick of "shanghai surprize" and with his mate not willing to grubstake him, Bob hogged out on his boss's "Beef Prince Alfred." He knew that to grubstitute would get him in strife. And, besides, it was not on and would make his boss as mad as a cut snake. But, anyway, his boss was a bit of a boofhead, thick as three planks, who wouldn't know "Beef Prince Alfred" from "beggar's banquet."

Etymology: Blend of Grub:food (slang)& substitute. "Shanghai Surprize":fried up leftovers with rice. Mad as a cut snake:angry. Grubstake: give s.o. money to buy a meal.'Beggar's Banquet':whatever's leftover in the fridge. Related term: "grub & bub":food & drink.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Swop-slop

Sentence: When Peter discovered what his wife had packed him for lunch, he let out a huge sigh. He realised that she had been trying out her new recipes on him again and this time had surpassed herself by creating some inedible looking mess that could not be identified. He then had the brilliant idea of going to office fridge and proceeded to swapslop his lunch for something that resembled food. No-one would ever guess it was him as long as he kept his mouth shut.

Etymology: Swap(an act of exchanging one thing for another) + Slop(unappetizing semi-liquid food) = Swapslop


funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-02: 13:28:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sand switch er roo

Sentence: Hungry Harry made sure he got to the lunchroom early every day, before his co-workers arrived. His mission was to pull the old sandswicheroo trick. He always brought the same thing, a sandwich made of buttered white bread and swapped it for a more interesting concoction. He had previously enjoyed hummus and veggies on pita, pate on rye, hearty chicken salad, roast beef and provolone and his all-time favourite after holidays, turkey sandwiches. He'd swap then eat at his desk and although many complained, no one could prove he had done the old sandswicheroo once again. This was especially galling to his colleagues, who, like he, all worked at FBI Headquarters!

Etymology: Sandwich (two (or more) slices of bread with a filling between them)& Switcheroo (trick where one thing is sneakliy swapped for another)

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: up-PIL-fridge-ATE alt;UPILFRIDGEATE

Sentence: Hank the Shank was a model citizen, an adequate employee and an active member of his community. Unbeknownst to his co-workers, he was also the office food thief, stealthily swapping his unappetizing mozzarella sticks for someone's imported brie. Hank the Shank would UPILFRIDGEATE his bland baloney sandwiches for a slice of Cap's home made quiche when nobody was looking, and justify it to himself by leaving low-grade generic foodstuffs behind. His moral oversight resulted in the communal refrigerator filling up with industrial-grade munchies which remained untouched and unwanted. With each foodswap, his guilt and fear would grow, but he was unable to stop himself. Hank the Shank knew that if he was caught UPILFRIDGEATING, he would be shunned by his comrades and a fog of suspicion would linger over him like a noxious cloud of escaped freon. To a foodlum like Hank, the bleu cheese was always greener on the other side of the fence.

Etymology: UP+PILFer+refRIDGErate+ATE= UPILFRIDGEATE .....UP:from "upgrade".....PILFER:: steal ; especially : to steal stealthily in small amounts and often again and again;Middle French pelfrer, from pelfre booty.....ATE: past tense of EAT;: to take in through the mouth as food : ingest, chew, and swallow in turn;Middle English eten, from Old English etan; akin to Old High German ezzan to eat, Latin edere, Greek edmenai


metrohumanx - metrohumanx, 2008-10-02: 02:37:00

metrohumanx - metrohumanx, 2008-10-02: 02:54:00

excellent prose - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-02: 13:25:00 it! Quel fromage! - Nosila, 2008-10-02: 22:19:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: bet-er-meel-muhnt

Sentence: The moment he realised that his bettermealment practices were no longer tolerated by his co-workers, was when the emergency room doctor mentioned the two words no one wants to hear; "rat" and "poison".

Etymology: betterment (upgrade) + meal


Deserves a vote for the excellent sentence. - Bunny36, 2007-11-05: 12:28:00

Great definition and fantastic sentence! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-05: 16:40:00


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Created by: Eyeshah

Pronunciation: /SAK-lunch/

Sentence: Beckoning Bill from the corner of the fridge was a mouth-watering, deli-made club sandwich. Against his better judgment, Bill decided to sacklunch it that day.

Etymology: sack(to pillage or loot after capture; plunder) + lunch

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: re-FRIDJ-er-rade-er

Sentence: Geoff was a notorious refrigeraider and had no qualms at all about taking a coworkers tasty looking lunch and leaving his stale sandwich and old piece of fruit in it's place.

Etymology: Blend of refrigerator and raider.


hooterbug Perfecto! - hooterbug, 2008-10-02: 08:40:00

zxvasdf For some reason I envision Tusken Raiders standing in front of the fridge, scratching their cowled heads, saying "Where the hell did my lunch get to? I was really looking forward to that boiled Jawa." - zxvasdf, 2008-10-02: 09:33:00

Great word! - Nosila, 2008-10-02: 22:16:00

Gets my vote! :) - lumina, 2008-10-03: 00:07:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-05: 02:55:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James'

OZZIEBOB - 2007-11-05: 06:09:00
Good definition,REMI! During 40+ years of work, I found it to be a regular occurrence- probably happening somewhere right now!

mplsbohemian - 2007-11-05: 10:07:00
This has produced a great batch of words so far!

remistram - 2007-11-05: 10:47:00
It happens to all of us at least once during our working life!

purpleartichokes - 2007-11-05: 11:00:00
Happened with dip I brought in. Caught him in the act. Wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't double-dipping. And didn't have really poor oral hygiene. And I wasn't sure that it was his first offense and I had actually eaten the dip after him at some point. Yuck!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-02: 00:03:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James