Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A person who constantly corrects other people's grammar. v. To habitually correct the grammar of everyone with whom you speak regardless of the social context or the minuteness the perceived error.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: gramerkraker
Sentence: James hates e-mail, not for its intrusive nature but the way most people use it. Worse yet is text messaging. (He refuses to call it texting) When someone sends him a message, he replies with a corrected edition of the original message with commas, hyphens, spelling and proper verb tense. He won't respond to the content until the originator sends it back in its corrected form. His friends have started calling him a grammarcracker. He is amused by the term but won't actually type it because it isn't in the dictionary.
Etymology: grammar (the whole system and structure of a language) + cracker (a fine example of something)
I h8 txtn 2. - wayoffcenter, 2009-01-16: 04:46:00
And a very nice play on graham crackers! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-16: 10:12:00
Show them no Grammercy! - Nosila, 2009-01-16: 20:44:00
Those purists can really contaminate our ebonics. - metrohumanx, 2009-01-21: 15:35:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: par-SNIK-ety
Sentence: Being a stickler for grammar, Esmerelda was thoroughly parsnickety and always quick to correct even the most insignificant grammatical blunders, and was especially critical of her boyfriend, Leonardo, whose grammar skills were particularly weak.
Etymology: Blend of 'parse' (To break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part. ) and 'persnickety' (Overparticular about trivial details; fastidious)
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: in-glish-may-jor
Sentence: Alex really took his englishmajorism over the top when he tried to convince people they were speaking with the wrong form of the word (too, two, to).
Etymology: english (a language many people speak) + major (the main course of study at a 4 year university or college)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: par-SNIK-ety
Sentence: Being a stickler for grammar, Miriam was always quick to correct even the most insignificant grammatical blunders, and was especially critical of her boyfriend, Maxim, whose grammar skills were particularly weak.
Etymology: Blend of 'parse' (To break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part. ) and 'persnickety' (Overparticular about trivial details; fastidious)
Excellent! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-16: 02:09:00
love it - Jabberwocky, 2009-01-16: 16:14:00
He should MAXIMize Miriam's skills as his own personal editor...great word. - Nosila, 2009-01-16: 20:49:00
Created by: lplybon
Pronunciation: "Kun-EE-leeng-WIST"
Sentence: Everyone dreads the Thursday afternoon staff meeting: Bob, the office manager, makes what should be a 30-minute meeting addressing staff concerns a 2-hour lecture on correct grammar. Bob is such a cunnilinguist he spends more time correcting every little mistake people make when speaking than actually hearing what they are saying. If Bob reminds us that his name is a palindrome one more time, I swear I will scream!
Etymology: Combination of the words "cunning" and "linguist"
Brilliant !!! - XMbIPb, 2010-06-02: 19:34:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: gram-a-nag
Sentence: Grandma's grammarnaggery had galled her grandchildren greatly so they gratefully agreed to greet Grandpa and give up Grandma's gramma pie. (Australian version of pumpkin pie)
Etymology: grammar + nag
good gracious - gallons of gs - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-26: 11:43:00
Gorgeous! - Jamagra, 2008-03-26: 15:09:00
Good one. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-26: 17:25:00
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: jak-grahm-mer
Sentence: In the Teacher's Room, out of her hearing, of course, the red-haired English teacher was referred to as "The Jackgrammar." Even the Physics teacher, a man of few words and much substance, laughed out loud at the label. The barrage of her daily correction was intolerable. Her red pen not only marked her students papers, but the notice board ("final grade's due on...") , the photocopy machine ("put xtra paper here.."), the Principle's (sic) suggestion box. Little did the teachers know that her boyfriend was a tattoo artist and that underneath her long-sleeved blouses, on the skin of her left forearm (unseen in the drawing), was a red and blue heart and the words, "Luv Conquers All."
Etymology: A play on "jackhammer," a pneumatic tool for breaking pavement and drilling rock.
Laughed all the way through the sentence. Luv the way the etymology implies such people hit us like a hammar and break us. - silveryaspen, 2009-01-16: 10:08:00
Good one! - Nosila, 2009-01-16: 20:46:00
This one's destined to be a classic. - metrohumanx, 2009-01-21: 15:34:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: wurd-PREE-fekt
Sentence: "But this is madness. I am trying to stop this company from becoming a grammatical graveyard! Don't you realize it concerns every person in this country - and, moreover, in the greater part of the world to speak English perfectly" Behind his back, in a low voice, someone murmured, " Oh no, has someone split an infinitive again." Things were becoming tense as Bob, flushing crimson, started to leave the room. After few moments, someone said, "Hope that's the last of "Verndracula" for a while. "Verndracula", "Dipthong", "Cretaphor" and, quasi-officially, "The Wordprefect" were but a few pejoratives for Bob, whose habitual correcting of even the slightest grammatical error was driving his colleagues to demential declensia. However, they agreed, that it was a "critical period" in the company's history, and that it would be a "double negative" if they sat there tangentiality, and did nothing to put a "glottal stop" to his psycholinguistic punishment. Firstly they started to mutilate plurals, one boomerang became two "beemearang"; one cuckoo was two "cuckee". And, in an attempt, to render this onomatopedant almost apoplexic: 'Boo-hoo' became "bee-hee" and "boom" became "beem" Reaching for the mountain top of malapropisms, they uttered howlers such as a "let's not talk about tattoo subjects". Gradually, Bob began to realize that he had lost all "soap in his hole" when he began to slip, more and more, into spoonerisms - of course, that should be speenerism.
Etymology: Blend of WORD & PREFECT: School boy,especially in English Grammar schools, with responsibility for th discipline and "proper" behavior of other students.
There's nothing like clouding up the waters with a good mixed metaphor, ya know! - arrrteest, 2008-03-26: 12:04:00
excellent sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-26: 14:00:00
So many hysterical stories today! Very amusing. - Tigger, 2008-03-26: 22:29:00
Loved left me almost comma-tose. Period. Doesn't a dipthong sound like the kind of low-cut bathing suit that Borat wore? Isn't a beemerang a carphone call for a yuppie? Cheers!(Is the singular form of that a cher?) - Nosila, 2008-03-26: 22:40:00
Created by: GlobalGallery
Pronunciation: Kon-ver-sedit-ta
Sentence: Mike was annoyed by the continual corrective interjections of his fiance Tanya every time he spoke. He called off the wedding because her incessant conversediting had become unbearable.
Etymology: 1.Conversation - informal interchange of thoughts by spoken words. 2.Editor - one who edits material for publication.
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: Gram-stop-oh
Sentence: Maude was a good wife. She tollerated and suffered throught many of her pet peeves about Larry, but the one she couldn't pass up was his poor language. He constantly spewed out mixed tenses as often as he mixed metaphors, and noun-verb agreement would always get lost somewhere in a sentence. Larry paid as much attention to what he said as much as she how much she corrected him. He just laughed it off as he called her his little "Gramstapo."
Etymology: Gram -from grammar + gestap - the Nazi secret police
gestapo, that is. (Consider this a preemptive correction for the missing "o" to avoid any wannabe gramstapos out there from pouncing on me. lol - arrrteest, 2008-03-26: 12:42:00
Or, would it be called "gramstapoes?" - arrrteest, 2008-03-26: 12:42:00
or "gramstopi?" - stache, 2008-03-26: 12:55:00
Larry should not forget, "We ask the questions!" - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-26: 17:34:00
Ja, gutes wort (yes, good word). Did you realize that you can 'Edit' your entry arrrteest? - Tigger, 2008-03-26: 22:54:00
Verbotomy - 2008-03-26: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by stache. Thank you stache. ~ James
stache - 2008-03-26: 09:16:00
You're welcome, JG. Very worthy submissions today
doseydotes - 2008-03-26: 09:22:00
I'm afraid stache's definition is in reference to yours truly. I looked at the suggested words and I'm floored. I might as well give up right now. Great job, everybody.
doseydotes - 2008-03-26: 10:53:00
And I gotta add, "Man, you loving bestest ever!" to my repertoire.
stache - 2008-03-26: 11:47:00
That'd be hoovy of you, 'dotes.
Verbotomy - 2008-03-26: 22:49:00
Yes, there are lots of gramudgeons and linguweenies here. Apparently, they're the bestest! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-06-02: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by stache. Thank you stache. ~ James
KatrinaNhor - 2018-06-02: 07:46:00
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