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'Let's try this again with extra suction.'

DEFINITION: v. To pick up a piece of lint from the floor that your vacuum missed, and then drop it in front of the vacuum again, to give the vacuum another chance to suck it up. n. A piece of lint that a vacuum will not pick up.

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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: cruhm-uh-jihn

Sentence: She didn't spend $400.00 on a vacum cleaner and expect to have to bend over and feed it every crumbudgeon.

Etymology: crumb (a small fragment [esp. of bread]) + curmudgeon (a crusty, ill-tempered and usu. old man)

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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: who-ver-man-ooh-ver

Sentence: Lisa spent ten minutes passing the vacuum over the lint on her rug in a frantic Hoovermanuvere before she realized she was trying to suck up part of the pattern in the carpet.

Etymology: Hoover (brand of Vacuum) + manuver


metrohumanx I tried to use "hoover" in a word, but yours is much better. - metrohumanx, 2008-11-20: 02:40:00


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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: rē'kə-pĭch'ə-lĭnt'

Sentence: Herb couldn't tell what the stubborn little piece of greenish fluff on the carpet in the cargo bay of his Land Rover was, but it refused to be taken after several passes with the ShopVac(tm). Finally he recapitulinted by picking it up and dropping it into the nozzle.

Etymology: 'recap,' to summarize or go over; 'itu,' Bantu translation of 'It's You,' from the song from 'Music Man' ( It's you in the sunrise, it's you in my cup. It's you all the way into town. It's your sweet "Hello, dear" that sets me up And it's your "Got to go, dear" that gets me down, etc.); 'lint,' miscellaneous microscopic mercurial matter.


BTW, "It's You" is quite moving in the Bantu performance of "Music "Man." - stache, 2008-04-04: 07:08:00

another great etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-04: 08:49:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: lintzilə

Sentence: Linda knew she was in trouble when she first saw it lurking beneath the sofa. It had apparently resisted previous attempts at extracation. She wasn't sure even her new cyclone vacuum was any match for this dust bunny from Hades, this Lintzilla. She was right. The best she could accomplish was to get the vacuum to choke on a small snippet. To vanquish this villian she had to resort to the ultimate weapon, The Hand!

Etymology: lint (Fuzzy fluff that accumulates on various fabrics) + Godzilla (huge prehistoric monster featured in a series of Japanese films)

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Created by: Softbagel14

Pronunciation: Re-suh-sert is the proper way, however Re-suh-kert is also acceptable

Sentence: Behind her old vaccum was a stubborn 'resucirt', sitting in the exact spot she had just cleaned. -ed can be added to the end of the word to form 'Resucirted'. Mary 'resucirted' the lint that would not pick up the first time.

Etymology: Re- meaning 'again' -suc- from the word 'suck' -irt from the word 'dirt'

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Created by: toy4769

Pronunciation: Vell-Cruzz (soft u sound)

Sentence: Regina tried and tried again to the get laundry room rug vacuumed clean, but the seemingly unrelentless velcuzz bits had her hand-pick it clean.

Etymology: Velcro - that amazing hook and latch technology that incorporates some extreme friction with some human engineering. + Fuzz - a synonym for lint that we find ourselves getting out of a dryer, of a chair, or even out of a belly button.


artr Not to be confused with velcrud which is even harder to get rid of. Nice word! - artr, 2009-05-26: 07:28:00


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Created by: lplybon




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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Suck-ree-lint

Sentence: Dana was a neat-freak and couldn't stand her house-mate's cat leaving ginger hairs on the white carpet. She vacuumed and vacuumed but there'd always be one no matter how much she tried, so she bought a new uber-vaccum with industrial power. Now she wouldn't have to succrelint the carpet six times to satisfy her neurosis, in fact.. where was that cat?

Etymology: Succulent - desert plant which sucks water and hold its efficiently, also used by indigenous peoples to suck water from. Suck - what vaccum cleaners do. Succor - assistance, as when you have to run the vacuum over twice.. Relent - give in, yield, get sucked in.. Lint - miscellaneous fluff that's always out of place. Sacrement - rite, ceremony or ritual which is repeated. Some people are quite ritualistic about their lint removal.. Sacrilegious - the disrespectful assault of cats with vacuum cleaners.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Mag - NET - uh - lint

Sentence: Having made repeated passes with the vacuum over the ball of lint only to have it remain attached to the carpet as if by some unseen force, Genevieve gave it the title of magnetalint.

Etymology: Blend of magnetic and lint

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: rēhoōvər

Sentence: Krissie believes in fair play. She gives everyone and everything a second and maybe a third chance. When her vacuum seemed to ignore a dust bunny, she attempted to rehoover it. She then picked up and stuck it directly in the extension hose. No effect. Finally she opened the dirt receptacle and dropped it in. She then praised Hoover because she is committed to positive-reinforcement training.

Etymology: re (once more; afresh; anew) + Hoover (vacuum brand)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-04: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James

stache - 2008-04-04: 06:52:00

stache - 2008-04-04: 07:08:00
(oops. it's early here.)

Jamagra - 2008-04-04: 08:22:00
I think this one was an actual Sniglet back in the day... can't remember the word, though. :)

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-04: 11:06:00
Hey Jamagra, I think that sniglet was "carpetuation", which very good because it does seem to take long time to vacuum up a cat. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-25: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James