Vote for the best verboticism.

'How did you know what I had for lunch?'

DEFINITION: n. The bits of food, and other debris, that get stuck between your teeth. v. To smile brightly and proudly unaware that you have a big piece of food stuck in your teeth.

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Created by: MissRabbit

Pronunciation: grin-kle

Sentence: Look over there - that guy has some nasty brown grinkle in his teeth. What did he eat?

Etymology: grin, as in a smile 'nk' from 'junk'


Grinkle: One of those words like yimble and jubiosity - not in any English dictionary,but should be. Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-23: 07:32:00


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Created by: guesser

Pronunciation: Smile - smack - ers

Sentence: Before a job interview check yourself for smilesmackers!

Etymology: Smile (to grin) + Smack (trash) + ers

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Created by: giveaphuk

Pronunciation: KRUD

Sentence: he chewed on his krud and reminisced at how tasty breakfast was this morning.

Etymology: like how cows 'chew their cud', we humans savour our krud.


Ha! Good analogy! - purpleartichokes, 2007-05-24: 10:58:00


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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: lunch + ih + kulls

Sentence: The trouble with eating salad is that it always leaves lunchicles in your teeth, and then people start making surreptitious motions at you, but it's too late.

Etymology: lunch particles

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: den try tus

Sentence: Andrew's eating habits were so disgusting, that he usually had to dine alone. He ate messily and loudly and you could guess what menu he had by all the dentritus left behind. His friends nicknamed him "Leader of the Plaque".

Etymology: Dental (of the teeth) & Detritus (the remains of something, refuse)


So good I might as well vote for it now. :) - Discoveria, 2012-09-20: 04:24:00

Ooo, I should have read today's words before making mine. Interestingly, they are all very similar. - Rhyme79, 2012-09-20: 10:53:00 both your words, too! - Nosila, 2012-09-21: 01:19:00


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Created by: thephil

Pronunciation: r:ebits

Sentence: I especialy don't like the pressure that rebits put on the adjacent teeth.

Etymology: REmaining BITS of food

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈtuθˌdʒæm/

Sentence: Some of my teeth are so so close together that even the act of flossing itself leaves bits of dental floss as toothjam.

Etymology: Like "toe jam," but between teeth.


My sentence is actually true. If I floss, sometimes it gets stuck between the teeth, and I have to wait a few days for my saliva to eat it away. In other news, it only takes a few days for saliva to significantly dissolve a piece of dental floss. - ErWenn, 2007-05-24: 14:01:00

Thanks for sharing. I thought people like you were just using the string to remind them of something. :-) - purpleartichokes, 2007-05-24: 15:52:00

It's there to remind us not to floss anymore. Or to get our wisdom teeth removed. - ErWenn, 2007-05-24: 20:13:00


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Created by: ziggy41

Pronunciation: Cuh-Man-duh-bul

Sentence: We were horrified to see the comandibles of goat stomach and monkey intestines trickle off his teeth every few minutes.

Etymology: Comestible (item of food) + mandible (bone used primarily for eating)

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Munch grins

Created by: wordmeister

Pronunciation: munch-grins

Sentence: After watching the movie, and eating two boxes of popcorn, Robby tried to kiss his girlfriend. But his munchgrins horrified her! Especially since she was supposed to be on a diet. And so she declined.

Etymology: munch+grin


Too cute. - texmom, 2007-05-24: 14:55:00

much to his chagrin, i'm sure. - jadenguy, 2007-05-24: 16:03:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: purr/lee/blahyts

Sentence: It is extremely difficult to concentrate on a conversation with someone when they have pearlyblights lodged in between their teeth and you can not take your eyes off the bits of egg, or spinach, or poppy seeds.

Etymology: PEARLYBLIGHTS - noun - from PEARLYWHITES (slang for teeth) + BLIGHT (an extremely adverse condition; to have a deleterious effect on; ruin)


very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-07-22: 12:33:00

metrohumanx PEARLYBLIGHTS is very melodic and artsy. - metrohumanx, 2008-07-22: 13:59:00

Excellent! - Mustang, 2008-07-22: 15:30:00

Thoroughly enjoyable - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-23: 07:34:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-24: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Scattercat. Thank you Scattercat! ~ James

petaj petaj - 2007-05-24: 06:39:00
Verbotomy Cup spotted in the wild with herbal tea.

petaj petaj - 2007-05-24: 06:39:00 - I did try to embed the link in the previous comment.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-24: 10:39:00
Hey Petaj, Nice snap of the cup! CoinciDENTALly, JediJawa has just received his book from Dan Pink.

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-07-22: 13:57:00
GRINKLE is good! inspired, original and fun to say!

reverb - 2008-07-22: 22:56:00
I like grinkle too. It's kind of funny...

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2011-04-28: 01:25:00
Today's definition was suggested by wordmeister. Thank you wordmeister. ~ James