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'Look! A pretty rainbow...'

DEFINITION: v. To see beauty in the midst of a complete disaster. n. The ability to see beauty in the rainbow hues of a toxic oil spill, or in the remnants of a poster torn down long ago, or in the subtle cracks in the plaster of a cheap, cold-water flat.

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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: blihss-tehd

Sentence: Louisse was happy she was so enlightened that she could enjoy all the sensory experiences of the car crash. Luckily, Bob knew just how blissted she always was, and pulled her out just before the explosion.

Etymology: bliss (extreme happiness, ecstacy) + twisted (distorted)


I like your sentences! - readerwriter, 2009-05-12: 15:30:00

you hit it out of the park, great word, amazingly funny sentence - DrWebster111, 2009-05-12: 21:38:00


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Created by: logan260

Pronunciation: Byou-tas-truh-fuss

Sentence: Not only was Linda ambidextrious, but she was beautastrophous as well. As we stared at the morning dew steaming off the burnt stumps of the forest fire, she exclaimed, "It's so beautiful."....

Etymology: 1) "Beau"-from beauty 2) "tastrophous" from castasrophe 3) "ous" indicating the presence of an ability as it pertains to a person. pertaining to a person's ability.


Beautastrophy would be the word for the ability in general, but my word is as it is connected to a person. - logan260, 2012-04-27: 11:07:00


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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Diss-com-bop-tim-ist

Sentence: His head still spinning from the accident, David was astonished to hear Sarah pull sepulchritude from their situation and admire the pretty rainbow in the spilled oil. He thought at first she must have a head injury and be delirious but then remembered the annoying pollyannarchy she displayed under stress which made her a relentless discomboptimist. He wasn't sure yet if it was charmingly childlike awe or a quixotic escape from reality, but that pretty rainbow better not come any closer or he would discombandon her!

Etymology: Discombobulate - cause disarray, disturb/ance, disrupt; Optimist - always look on the bright side of life! Dee-dum, deedum deedum deedum!

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: əpbētn

Sentence: No matter what slaps him upside the head, Tim is always upbeaten. When tragedy gives him a beatdown he always comes up smiling. Some think he is very brave and optimistic. Others think he is a complete simpleton.

Etymology: upbeat (cheerful; optimistic) + beaten (exhausted and dejected)

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Created by: vicminer

Pronunciation: beau-ti-saster

Sentence: The artist srtived to make a scultpure of a beautiful woman, but it turned out to be a beautaster.

Etymology: beaut-beautiful saster-star

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: polly-an-al-ist

Sentence: Mary, a certified pollyanalyst, came close to losing her license after she tried to lead a chorus of "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" at Daddy Warbuck's wake.

Etymology: Pollyanna: a person regarded as blindly or foolishly optimistic -- named after the heroine of the novel "Pollyanna" by Eleanor Hodgman Porter and the movie starring Haley Mills about a dreadfully optimistic child very much like the equally dreadful child movie, "Little Orphan Annie." + analyst: one who is adept at examining a whole and breaking it down into it's parts for examination.


:) - galwaywegian, 2009-05-12: 07:46:00

This is a fab verbotomy! - readerwriter, 2009-05-12: 11:19:00

libertybelle terrific word!! - libertybelle, 2009-05-12: 12:13:00

love it! - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-13: 05:53:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: ess-thet-slick

Sentence: While the workers toiled cleaning up the oil covered beach, several aesthetslicks tried to stop them from clearing the shiny, rainbow-hued slicks that washed up with the surf.

Etymology: aesthetic (pertaining to beauty) + slick (as in oil)


funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-13: 05:56:00


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Created by: FeelTheMcGrath

Pronunciation: Bee-you-teh-sas-tur-fy

Sentence: Earlier this evening I glanced upon a hedgehog tackle another hedgehog down a steep cliff, and the two of them died. Luckily, I Beautisasterfyed the situation by noticing how gorgeous the sunset was.

Etymology: Beaut- The beauty of the situation. isaster- The disaster of the situation. fy- To change the depressing mood into that of a beautiful one.

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: quihk-fihx-ah-tihc

Sentence: The sun was rising as the waters reached the second floor windows of their home. Rube had been at work all night singing "Running Bear loved little White Dove, with a love, deep as the sea...". Now, he was putting the finishing touches on the canoe he had been cheerfully carving from the large tree filling most of their bedroom. As Rube's wife climbed in, it dawned on her that her husband might be an incurable quickfixotic.

Etymology: Building on QUIXOTIC (from Don Quixote/chasing windmills/Man of La Mancha), meaning idealistic in a romantic or impractical way + QUICK FIX


super - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-13: 05:55:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: flop tim izm

Sentence: Sally was driving with her boyfriend Kevin. Unfortunately, he sped too much, skidded,flipped and did a lot of damage to their car. Was she mad? No. Sally, who had chronic floptimism, thought thankfully that Kevin would not notice the crack she had put in the windshield last week or the broken off mirror so much now...

Etymology: Flop (fail utterly; collapse)& Optimism (a general disposition to expect the best in all things;the optimistic feeling that all is going to turn out well)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-12: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx Thank you metrohumanx ~ James

abrakadeborah - 2009-05-14: 11:24:00
Metro, You're amazing! I really enjoy your definitions! I hope my word "Iridescentdisaster" does justice of your artistic visions. :) Great cartoon too "Verbotoartist"

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-11-23: 00:09:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James