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'Why are you sniffing your phone?'

DEFINITION: n., A compulsive need to sniff everything and anything you pick up, even things that typically do not have distinctive odors. v., To habitually sniff everything within your grasp -- just to make sure it's fresh.

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Created by: Poetikat

Pronunciation: nay zo lep see

Sentence: She was baffled when he suddenly had to take a whiff of everything in sight, but he explained it as his nasolepsy affliction.

Etymology: naso - nasal lepsy - attack


metrohumanx Nice takeoff on narcolepsy. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-27: 20:16:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Ob-sens-uh-TIV-uh-ty

Sentence: Ralph had a major case of obscentsitivity and would sniff everything, foods, personal grooming tools, and other inanimate objects with some kind of misguided notion that he could determine the safety or value of those things.

Etymology: Blend of obsessive, scent, and sensitivity.


metrohumanx A triple whammy! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-27: 20:09:00


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Created by: Bullwinkle

Pronunciation: addict'o-door

Sentence: He's an addictodor. He even smell dogs' butts.


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: snuf fel bord

Sentence: Having been dragged by his new wife on a touted cruise, Smell Gibson sniffed everything around him. His bride was embarrassed to find him sniffing cutlery (not just his own) at the dinner table and lifeboats, door handles, really all and everything else on the ship. When asked, he told her he was playing snufflebored. She didn't know whether it was boredom, a manic compulsion or that he had a germ detector built in his nose, but her groom's actions mortified her. It was a pity he had no life preserver to sniff when he mysteriously was thrown overboard on their last day at sea...

Etymology: Snuffle (sniff or smell inquiringly) & Bored (tired of the world;uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence) & Play on Shuffleboard (a game in which players use long sticks to shove wooden disks onto the scoring area marked on a smooth surface; less exertive form of exercise at retirement homes and seniors'cruises)


mrskellyscl cute! - mrskellyscl, 2010-03-24: 07:26:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: snoōtfoōl

Sentence: Harold is sure he can detect even the slightest sign that things are not what they should be. With a quick sniff he declares a check legit or fraudulent. He has rejected designer jeans more than once after a mere whiff. He sees himself as a Sherlock Holmes. Most see him as a snootfool.

Etymology: snoot (a person*s nose) + fool (a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person) a play on snootful

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: snif-fix-a-shun

Sentence: Jim had such a sniffixation about freshness that Rita refused to go with him to buy groceries anymore. Anyone who watched him smell, poke, squeeze and taste the fruits and vegetables was too grossed out to buy them when he got done with them. He sniffed the meats to make sure they weren't spoiled, the cheeses to see if they were still good and the fish to make sure it hadn't gone belly up. But when he began to sniff the cat food she had enough.

Etymology: sniff + fixation:an obsessive preoccupation

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Created by: reverb




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Created by: jaymiex




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Created by: Koekbroer




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Created by: IrisLLL

Pronunciation: nostrilisis

Sentence: I went by a nice garden today, and my nostilissis has been acting up ever since.

Etymology: (holes in face)nostrils- issis ( alternarte spelling of the Egyption goddess)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-29: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-12-01: 07:47:00
Remistram also submitted definition about compulsive sniffing, so I have added her name to the credits for this definition. Thank you again to kabloozie and remistram. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-24: 00:37:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie. ~ James